Showing 4621 to 4640 out of 5700 Works

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Once the Kissing Starts by [Fanfic] 2019-10-10
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Da Qing & Shen Wei & Zhao Yunlan, Dà Qìng, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Ye Olde Haixing era, POV Outsider

"The Yashou are courting Hei Pao Shi." Daqing leaned down to look into the Allied high commander's face, made difficult by the way he was ducking his head. "What. Did. You. Do?"

Part 15 of Experience Every Flavour (15 Kisses)
Words: 2,778 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 38 | Kudos: 409 | Bookmarks: 49 | Hits: 2,569
Pay Attention When the Dust Settles by [Fanfic] 2019-10-10
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, No Pain No Gain!

Shen Wei blinks at him, parts his lips on the start of a reply that turns into a cough and folds down the rest of the way until he’s listing against Zhao Yunlan. “It doesn’t hurt,” he says, distantly.

Words: 2,576 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 44 | Kudos: 478 | Bookmarks: 91 | Hits: 3,675
yours or mine, their definitely ours (or how shen wei & yunlan came to be parents) by [Fanfic] 2019-10-09
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Zhao Yunlan/Shen Wei, Shen Wei & SID!Kids, Zhao Yunlan & SID!Kids, Shěn Wēi, Zhù Hóng, Dà Qìng, Lín Jìng, Wangzheng, Zhao Yunlan, Guo Changcheng
More Tags
| Parents!Weilan, Baba!Yunlan, Mama!Shenwei, Kid!Hong, SID!Kids, More characters to be added, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers

Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan got married a few years later they ended up being parents to five amazing children, how this came to be, well you'll have to read this won't you?

Words: 4,313 | Chapters: 1/? | Comments: 8 | Kudos: 25 | Bookmarks: 6 | Hits: 478
[FANVID] light a fire by [Fanvid] 2019-10-09
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Fanvids

and you’re shaking, love
don’t shiver, don’t give up
don’t quiver, you’re enough

Words: 0 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 8 | Kudos: 26 | Bookmarks: 1 | Hits: 219
Out of Focus by [Fanfic] 2019-10-09
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Silly, Fluff and Humor, Self-Indulgent, Intoxication, completely contrived Dixing plot devices, Shen Wei will someday make me pay for these unrelenting attacks on his dignity, Podfic Available, Drunk Shěn Wēi

A temporary reaction, Shen Wei had earnestly assured him, and not dangerous, but the effects were cumulative over the short-term.

[podfic read by Naye]

Part 1 of a completely contrived Dixing plot device
Words: 3,392 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 78 | Kudos: 574 | Bookmarks: 55 | Hits: 3,804
Rice Based Dishes by [Fanfic] 2019-10-09
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| MasterChef AU, Established Relationship, Contestant Zhào Yúnlán, Judge Shěn Wēi
Words: 812 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 2 | Kudos: 25 | Bookmarks: 2 | Hits: 255
no more yielding by [Fanfic] 2019-10-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, because canon, Podfic Available

Zhao Yunlan lay beside him on the bed, on his side turned toward Shen Wei—motionless, but for the small rise and fall of his chest—but too fast for deep sleep. And his face was wet, the tears overflowing from his closed eyes only the faintest shimmer in the room's darkness.

[Podfic by knight_tracer]

Words: 1,831 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 35 | Kudos: 360 | Bookmarks: 32 | Hits: 2,570
Hot Chocolate and movie night by [Fanfic] 2019-10-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Future Fic, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Hot Chocolate, Couch Cuddles, Movie Night, Not Beta Read

Zhao Yunlan knows that Shen Wei have missed some stuff of modern Haixing like some date night while watching movies or even just eat chocolate.
He was surprised when Shen Wei told him that the last time he have buy a chocolate muffin was the first time he tasted chocolate. So Zhao Yunlan decided to maybe make some hot chocolate he knows how to do when he wants to stay at home and just chill or when it's raining.
He told the team that no one should disturb him and Shen Wei during the whole night because he have a plan and wanted to do one surprise to Shen Wei.

Words: 615 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 1 | Kudos: 41 | Hits: 369
Anniversary Dinner by [Fanfic] 2019-10-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Drabble, Established Relationship
Words: 100 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 7 | Kudos: 16 | Bookmarks: 2 | Hits: 196
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-10-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
Yè Zūn/Original Cephalopod Aliens, Yè Zūn
More Tags
| Crack, Animal Transformation, Consentacles, Gangbang, Oviposition, Eggpreg, Alternate Universe - Untitled Goose Game Fusion, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 1,900 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 15 | Kudos: 26 | Bookmarks: 1 | Hits: 788
Orange Alert by for demitas [Fanfic] 2019-10-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Ye Zun/Zhao Yunlan, Yè Zūn, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Magical Objects Think This Relationship Is A Great Idea, Mind Controlled Into Transferring Your Crush To Your Crush's Evil Twin

Zhao Yunlan was innocently contemplating the Hallows when Shen Wei strode in. Then the Hallows started playing mood music, and the world became a lot more confusing.

Words: 1,327 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 22 | Kudos: 88 | Bookmarks: 4 | Hits: 899
Perfect by [Fanfic] 2019-10-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Fictober 2019, Fictober, angsty relationship stuff

Fictober prompt: There is a certain taste to it.

Part 9 of Fictober
Words: 1,256 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 23 | Kudos: 46 | Bookmarks: 3 | Hits: 623
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-10-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Dà Qìng, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Episode Related, episode 14, Sharing a Bed, Kissing
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 2,825 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 28 | Kudos: 281 | Bookmarks: 12 | Hits: 2,100
Flying Through Time by [Fanfic] 2019-10-07
全职高手 | The King's Avatar (Cartoon), 全职高手 - 蝴蝶蓝 | Quánzhí Gāoshǒu - Húdié Lán, 镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Wáng Jiéxī/Yù Wénzhōu, Wáng Jiéxī, Yù Wénzhōu, Huáng Shàotiān, Wēicǎo | Team Tiny Herb, Lan Yu | Team Blue Rain
More Tags
| Mentions of Death, Magic, Reincarnation, Ok I’m not doing this today read at your own risk, QZGS Big Bang 2019

“I’ve waited for ten thousand years, I hope you still remember our promise.”

Words: 7,039 | Chapters: 4/4 | Comments: 13 | Kudos: 32 | Bookmarks: 7 | Hits: 1,025
Bruised Knee by [Fanfic] 2019-10-07
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Drabble, not exactly 100 words tho..., Established Relationship, Domestic
Words: 135 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 4 | Kudos: 35 | Bookmarks: 2 | Hits: 221
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-10-07
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Episode Related, episode 14, Kissing, Sharing a Bed, Sex
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 3,691 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 26 | Kudos: 275 | Bookmarks: 10 | Hits: 2,161
pay me what I'm worth by [Fanfic] 2019-10-07
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Da Qing & Zhao Yunlan, Dà Qìng, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Banter, Humor

Da Qing discovers his calling.

Words: 351 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 7 | Kudos: 77 | Bookmarks: 9 | Hits: 348
Orange light is good for you by for ExtraPenguin [Fanfic] 2019-10-07
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Ye Zun/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Yè Zūn, Lín Jìng, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Threesome, Hot Twins, Post-Canon, Everybody Lives, Time Travel, Treat

Zhao Yunlan travels in time again and wakes up to hot twins ready for threesome.

Words: 2,766 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 14 | Kudos: 163 | Bookmarks: 10 | Hits: 1,032
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-10-07
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Zhào Yúnlán & Special Investigation Division, Shen Wei & Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Special Investigation Division, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Eldritch, Ultimate Sacrifice, Comes Back Wrong, Resurrection, Post-Canon, Trick or Treat: Trick, Don't copy to another site, Horror
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 592 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 8 | Kudos: 48 | Bookmarks: 8 | Hits: 340
Guardian: The Awakening by [Fanfic] 2019-10-06
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Wang Zang, Sāng Zàn, Dà Qìng, Zhù Hóng, Original Characters, Zhao Yunlan, Chu Shuzhi, Guo Changcheng
More Tags
| Romance, Boy Love, Fantasy, Supernatural - Freeform, Magic, AU, Zhen Hun - Freeform, Guardian - Freeform

The Oracle of the Seven Clans, predicted a great change, as a new darker one began to rise from the forbidden lands. When diseases and murders begin to affect the peaceful balance that the clans brought to the world, they came together to fight the new threat.

Zhao Yunlan, was the Prince of the water clan and Shen Wei, the Prince of fire. While traveling together to fight against their common enemy, they fall in love, but what will happen to their relationship once the darkness is conquered? How can you mix the two together for life, if fire and water were natural opposites? Read on and discover.

A Weilan fantasy, full of dangers and adventures. A warning for BAD ENGLISH and, of course, I do not own the Guardian novel or drama. That is the work of the wonderful Priest, all the credit goes to her.

Words: 60,206 | Chapters: 27/27 | Comments: 105 | Kudos: 123 | Bookmarks: 8 | Hits: 2,702