Showing 4521 to 4540 out of 5700 Works

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Little Detective by [Fanfic] 2019-11-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings,No Archive Warnings Apply
Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan

Now Shen Wei can keep Zhao Yunlan close to him.

Words: 1,714 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 6 | Kudos: 38 | Bookmarks: 4 | Hits: 317
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-11-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Episode Related, Episode 23, Kissing, Sharing a Bed, Sex
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 2,074 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 26 | Kudos: 212 | Bookmarks: 10 | Hits: 1,893
Pulling the String by [Fanfic] 2019-11-08
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Zhao Yunlan/Shenwei, Other Canon Couples, Chu Shuzhi/Guo Changcheng, Shěn Wēi, Dà Qìng, Linjing, Zhù Hóng, Wāng Zhēng, Sāng Zàn, Yè Zūn, Cóng Bō, basically everyone okay, Chu Shuzhi, Guo Changcheng, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Shuzhi POV, Red String of Fate, Chu can see the string of fate, and he is not happy with it, it follows the drama series to a T except for the end, because fuck the end, Fix It

Not every member of the Chu family possessed this special gift. Some of them could see what was called the String of Fate.
Shuzhi could and he wasn't happy with it.

Words: 17,609 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 18 | Kudos: 292 | Bookmarks: 47 | Hits: 2,965
Drabble: Team. by [Fanfic] 2019-11-07
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi
More Tags
| Drabble, community: sid-guardian

Shen Wei isn't used to having a team.

Words: 100 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 5 | Kudos: 67 | Bookmarks: 6 | Hits: 429
Pour Away the Ocean by [Fanfic] 2019-11-07
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Lǐ Qiàn & Yè Zūn, Lǐ Qiàn, Yè Zūn
More Tags
| Suicidal Thoughts, Grief/Mourning

Li Qian's plans of drowning are interrupted by the lake surface showing someone else instead.

Words: 443 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 4 | Kudos: 30 | Bookmarks: 1 | Hits: 198
[podfic] 'Twas Brillig by Xparrot by for Xparrot [Podfic] 2019-11-04
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, original children characters, plus a bunch of giant bug monsters, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Amnesia, Monsters, not really a kid fic, the kids are there to let our heroes be heroic, they're mop-topped McGuffins, Podfic, Podfic Length: 2-2.5 Hours

Zhao Yunlan's job is to save a few kids. He's got that. He just has a few questions. Like where are they, and how do they get out of here, and why does his head hurt so much?

And who the hell is this guy in the black cloak and mask?

Podfic of Xparrot's story 'Twas Brillig.

Words: 42 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 23 | Kudos: 76 | Bookmarks: 14 | Hits: 1,185
show me the truth (I don't believe you) by [Fanfic] 2019-11-04
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shěn Wēi & Yè Zūn, Yè Zūn, Shěn Wēi, Original Male Character(s)
More Tags
| Angst, Major Character Injury, Wingfic, Alternate Universe - Wings, Misunderstandings, Lack of Communication, Ye Zun's POV, Dreamscapes

He remembers the feathers.

Even ten thousand years of captivity and solitude hadn’t been able to dull the image of those feathers, the memory of its shape and texture stamped brilliantly in his mind.

Part 5 of 镇魂| Guardian ficlets, Part 3 of Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Words: 1,570 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 26 | Kudos: 226 | Bookmarks: 9 | Hits: 1,647
Art: Weilan by [Fanart] 2019-11-03
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Kūn Lún/Shěn Wēi, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Fanart, Watercolors, Ink, Domestic Fluff, Bathing/Washing, Caretaking, Cuddling & Snuggling, First Aid, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Traditional Media, Fluff, Everyone Needs A Hug, Established Relationship, Body Calligraphy, Nudity, Dragons, Alternate Universe, Sleeping Together, Teasing, Humor, BB Shěn Wēi, Ye Olde Haixing era, Dragon Shen Wei (Guardian), tai chi

Collecting my Weilan arts here instead of making separate posts every time. Pieces that belong to fics or challenges will be posted separately.

Words: 0 | Chapters: 22/22 | Comments: 32 | Kudos: 114 | Bookmarks: 4 | Hits: 2,029
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-11-03
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Trick or Treat: Treat, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Intoxication, Injury, Dubcon Cuddling, Kissing, Future Fic, Handwaving
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 5,057 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 19 | Kudos: 408 | Bookmarks: 48 | Hits: 2,560
Right Here (Wrapped in You) by [Fanfic] 2019-11-03
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Ye Olde Haixing Era, Overstimulation, some first times

“I fell down a mountain, Shen Wei!”

Words: 5,157 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 25 | Kudos: 265 | Bookmarks: 33 | Hits: 2,582
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-11-03
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Episode Related, Episode 21, Blindness, Sharing a Bed, Kissing
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 2,173 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 20 | Kudos: 236 | Bookmarks: 11 | Hits: 1,791
The snow dragon by for bonibaru [Fanfic] 2019-11-03
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shěn Wēi, Dà Qìng, Wāng Zhēng, Sāng Zàn, Zhao Yunlan, Guo Changcheng, Chu Shuzhi
More Tags
| Fluff, Humor, Accidental Dragon Acquisition, Treat

There is a dragon at SID. Zhao Yunlan doesn’t approve.

Words: 1,151 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 25 | Kudos: 143 | Bookmarks: 17 | Hits: 628
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-11-03
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shěn Wēi & Yè Zūn, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Zhào Yúnlán, Shěn Wēi, Yè Zūn
More Tags
| Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Role Reversal
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 3,064 | Chapters: 1/2 | Comments: 14 | Kudos: 83 | Bookmarks: 8 | Hits: 723
Drabble: Masks. by [Fanfic] 2019-11-02
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shěn Wēi
More Tags
| Drabble, community: sid-guardian

The Envoy is masked.

Words: 100 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 5 | Kudos: 36 | Bookmarks: 5 | Hits: 254
Quantum Immortality and the Timeline Convergence by [Fanfic] 2019-11-02
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Lín Jìng
More Tags
| Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Fix-It, Spoilers for everything, Canon-Typical Science, Canon-typical computing

The other him tensed, eyes narrowed. “Hologram, clone, robot doppelganger, evil twin, or face-stealing Dixingren?”

“Time traveller. The Hallows brought me from the future to set things right, and I haven’t eaten in days, so you should give me that.” He pointed at the bowl of noodles. “You’ll thank yourself later.”

Part 3 of Back to the Middle (parallel time travel fixits)
Words: 6,860 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 18 | Kudos: 133 | Bookmarks: 11 | Hits: 816
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-11-02
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Caretaking, Angst, Pining
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 1,027 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 14 | Kudos: 141 | Bookmarks: 11 | Hits: 839
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2019-11-02
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Hurt/Comfort, Sensory Overstimulation, Superpowers
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 2,290 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 84 | Kudos: 1,291 | Bookmarks: 271 | Hits: 6,807
Reweave Our Lives by [Fanfic] 2019-11-01
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei/Ye Zun/Zhao Yunlan, Ye Zun/Zhao Yunlan, Shěn Wēi, Yè Zūn, Dà Qìng, Zhù Hóng, Cóng Bō, Lín Jìng, Jiājiā, Zhao Yunlan, Chu Shuzhi, Guo Changcheng, Hua Yuzhu, Cheng Xinyan
More Tags
| Post-Canon, Everybody Lives, Or at least comes back to life, Ye Zun has nightmares, Daqing is a good best friend, Cat Tribe Best Tribe, Ye Zun is violent when he's asleep, relationships are hard, Communication is hard, Everyone gets a prize for talking to each other, Buying a HOUSE, Sharing a Bed, Literal Sleeping Together, Relationship Negotiation, the hallows are like a bad penny, Emotional Healing, talking about sex, consensual voyeurism

After the Hallows restore the Guardian, they bring back the Envoy and the Enemy as well. Zhao Yunlan will do anything for Shen Wei, but he has to accept that there is no Shen Wei without Ye Zun: not now, and maybe not ever.

Part 1 of Reweave Our Lives
Words: 85,128 | Chapters: 30/30 | Comments: 254 | Kudos: 546 | Bookmarks: 84 | Hits: 9,896
(Don't) Stop Telephoning Me by [Fanfic] 2019-11-01
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Lín Jìng, Zhú Jiǔ, Yā Qīng, SID team
More Tags
| Kidnapping, Rescue Missions, Humor, Team

Chief Zhao is out of town and Lin Jing's gotten himself kidnapped.

Words: 781 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 12 | Kudos: 76 | Bookmarks: 4 | Hits: 418
Underneath the Surface Cold by [Fanfic] 2019-11-01
镇魂 | Guardian (TV)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shěn Wēi
More Tags
| Waiting, Angst, Ficlet

Shen Wei, newly awakened in this world, waits for Kunlun and is crushed by the weight on his shoulders.

Words: 243 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 4 | Kudos: 38 | Bookmarks: 3 | Hits: 219