Listed below are the main methods to get in touch with me to report any bugs or suggest new features!
If you have an existing Github account, or are willing to creating a new one, the most direct way to report an issue or request a feature is to use the Github Issue Tracker. This should be used for technical errors - for example, display issues in different browsers, exceptions or errors on the site, etc. Basically, problems with the site itself rather than problems with the data.
For tumblr users, bug reports of all types (both technical site issues as well as issues with the data) can be reported to the archiveofdixing tumblr.
If your bug report is short/simple, you can directly drop an Ask on tumblr. Anonymous asks are disabled because resolving bugs/errors often requires follow-up/clarifications.
For a bug report that is more involved requiring screenshots/additional information, you can directly Submit A Post instead.
All Asks/Submissions will be kept private.
The archiveofdixing twitter accepts DMs from all accounts, where you can submit your report. I'll do my best to keep track of @mentions, but the only way to guarantee your message is seen is to send a DM!
You can also submit your error reports via PM on my personal journal qikiqtarjuaq @ dreamwidth.
Lastly, you can contact me on Discord at: Qik#1337
All members of the Guardian Discord (invite code: bMdK5DF) should be able to DM me without needing to add me as a friend (I'm also a member of the NiF and MDZS Discords). If you find that you are blocked from contacting me and don't share any discords with me, go ahead and send a friend request.