Showing 181 to 200 out of 1115 Works

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A Dream World Field Day by [Fanfic] 2022-12-28
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Zhao Yunlan, Special Investigation Division | SID Ensemble (Guardian), Shen Wei (Guardian)
More Tags
| Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe, Magic, Drama/Novel Fusion, Angst and Humor, Near Death Experiences, Kissing

“Look team, we don’t need to answer this one: we have a pretty good lead, we garnered a lot of head-start that will probably last us through the next round, so we can take a breather. We don’t have to get it right,” he said, trying to sound like a calm, self-confident leader and not like a guy who would rather die again than give that rat Cong Bo the satisfaction of beating him.
Fill for 'Shadow Blitz' prompt in Guardian Bingo

Part 6 of Love Resembles Memories
Words: 3,533 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 26 | Kudos: 73 | Bookmarks: 6 | Hits: 356
sharing moonlight by for missingnowrites [Fanfic] 2022-12-25
镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan, Zhao Xinci | Zhao Yunlan's Father, Shen Xi | Zhao Yunlan's Mother, Zhao Yunlan's Aunt, Da Qing (Guardian)
More Tags
| Curtain Fic, Post-Canon, Ghost month, canon-typical fatphobia (as related to Da Qing)

“Are you sure your mother wouldn’t like flowers?” Shen Wei resettles his innocuous professor glasses over the bridge of his nose, inkbrush eyebrows furrowed.

Part 26 of Guardian Works
Words: 1,815 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 21 | Kudos: 102 | Bookmarks: 15 | Hits: 451
we all have a hunger by for laCommunarde [Fanfic] 2022-12-25
镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Gui Mian & Shen Wei (Guardian), Shen Wei & Ghost Tribe, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei (Guardian), Gui Mian (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan, Li Qian (Guardian)
More Tags
| Post-Canon, Ghost tribe, Shen Wei and his (literal) inner demons, Established Relationship, very light monsterfucking

The morning after the first waking day of Shen Wei’s second life, he gets up to find his old face in the mirror.

Words: 7,514 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 30 | Kudos: 87 | Bookmarks: 15 | Hits: 454
All of you by [Fanfic] 2022-12-24
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, background Zhao Yunlan & Da Qing, Shen Wei (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan, Da Qing (Guardian)
More Tags
| 4 + 1, Getting Together, Yearning, Flirting, Oblivious Shěn Wēi, Flirty Zhao Yunlan, Implied unrequited Zhu Hong/Zhao Yunlan, Zhao Yunlan wears glasses, Zhao Yunlan has his ear pierced, Zhao Yunlan has dimples, Guardian Bingo 2022, Not Beta Read

Shen Wei was so preoccupied with collecting all the pieces of Zhao Yunlan he was allowed that he almost did not notice what they added up to.

Part 18 of Guardian Bingo 2022
Words: 3,042 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 18 | Kudos: 131 | Bookmarks: 14 | Hits: 686
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2022-12-21
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Mature, Major Character Death,No Archive Warnings Apply
Kunlun/Shen Wei (Guardian), Kunlun (Guardian), Shen Wei (Guardian), Nüwa
More Tags
| Alternate Universe - Vampire, Backstory, the equivalent of YOHE or the past flashbacks from canon, Vampire Sex, (nothing particularly graphic), Kunlun raising Shen Wei, Power Imbalance, Canonical Character Death, Casual mentions of violence, Blood Drinking, vampire!Kunlun, human!Shen Wei, temporary sad ending, Vampire Turning, Flock Politics
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 2,149 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 23 | Kudos: 61 | Bookmarks: 4 | Hits: 364
As It Is by [Fanfic] 2022-12-19
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Zhao Yunlan, Zhu Hong (Guardian), Shen Wei (Guardian)
More Tags
| Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe, Magic, Memory Loss, Introspection, Light Angst, Sad, Self-Worth Issues

“A deal,” the Judiciar told him, showing him a contract signed in Zhao Yunlan’s own hand. For a chance to meet that one person again and live a happy life with them, Zhao Yunlan would work as an Underworld detective, chasing malevolent spirits for five hundred years. It didn’t sound that bad, truly - it was that kind of an afterlife that he would decidedly like, yet Yunlan had no memory of ever signing this contract.
Fill for 'Forgotten' prompt for Guardian Bingo

Part 5 of Love Resembles Memories
Words: 2,323 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 28 | Kudos: 71 | Bookmarks: 5 | Hits: 365
sleeping season by [Fanfic] 2022-12-19
镇魂 | Guardian - priest
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Kunlun/Shen Wei (Guardian), Shen Wei (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Post-Canon, Fluff, Zhao Yunlan Is a Little Shit, who has just regained godly powers

“Where’re you goin’,” mumbles the lump on the bed.

Part 4 of Weilan Weeks Drabbles (2022)
Words: 100 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 18 | Kudos: 55 | Bookmarks: 4 | Hits: 385
When in Need of Help by [Fanfic] 2022-12-17
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Mature, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Shen Wei (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan, Da Qing (Guardian), Lin Jing (Guardian), Guo Changcheng, Chu Shuzhi, Zhu Hong (Guardian), Wang Zheng (Guardian), Special Investigation Division | SID Ensemble (Guardian)
More Tags
| Kidnapping, Hurt Shen Wei (Guardian), Detective Zhao Yunlan, POV Zhao Yunlan, POV Shen Wei (Guardian), Case Fic, Identity Reveal, Canon Compliant, Drama, Whump, Rescue, Injury, Hurt/Comfort

As if handling glass when it was anything but delicate, Zhao Yunlan cradled it in both hands removing from the cardboard box and bubble wrap. It was lighter than expected not that he could pin point why he thought it would be heavy in the first place. But those thoughts were fleeting, difficult to hold onto in the face of the sheer panic twisting it's way through his stomach at what it could mean. He stared almost entranced and unable to look away from the empty eye holes of the mask in his hands.
The familiar, ornate, black and silver mask.
If the mask was here, then where was Hei Pao Shi?

Words: 22,391 | Chapters: 10/10 | Comments: 51 | Kudos: 262 | Bookmarks: 48 | Hits: 4,034
Lifetimes written under firelight by for VictorianPirate [Fanfic] 2022-12-17
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Zhao Yunlan/Shen Wei, Da Qing (Guardian), Shen Wei (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Post Shen San Extra in Guardian Novel, Childhood Friends, Sworn Brothers, Love Confessions, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, First Guardian Order, Ancient SID investigations in Wuxia, Established Relationship in their own way, Very Established Couple to Lovers, Getting Together, Kissing

Zhao Yunlan didn't know where that promise came from, but he knew that someone should love him as much as he had loved the person, to have a promise with him to fulfill in another life. Thus, he pushed his feelings for Shen Wei away from himself, he certainly shouldn't think of his sworn brother that way, he was surely just in pain for a love he didn't know where to find.
A love that Shen Wei himself, years later, helped him look for, but they had found nothing.
And so, disconsolately, he preferred to be left alone about getting married, he preferred to just continue working for the Guardian Order and live a life that Shen Wei would always be a part of, even if he could never be his. If that had been the case, he wouldn't have had to worry, at that moment, about whether his children would be all right now that their mother had passed away.
He needed some more wine.

Words: 2,976 | Chapters: 1/? | Comments: 10 | Kudos: 28 | Bookmarks: 5 | Hits: 109
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2022-12-16
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Kunlun/Shen Wei (Guardian), Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei (Guardian), Kunlun (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan, Professor Zhou (Guardian), Professor Ouyang (Guardian)
More Tags
| Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Virgin Sacrifice, Love Triangles, (except it's with the same guy lol), Secret Identity, Jealousy, Identity Reveal, Power Imbalance, Weddings, Rituals, Religious Cults, Religious Fanaticism, Angst with a Happy Ending, First Kiss, disciple!Shen Wei, Forbidden Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 9,719 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 50 | Kudos: 224 | Bookmarks: 56 | Hits: 1,327
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2022-12-14
镇魂 | Guardian - priest
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Kunlun/Shen Wei (Guardian), Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Pre-Canon, Canon Compliant, Established Relationship, Post-Canon, Canon Temporary Character Death, brief mention of spirit consumption, it is xiao gui wang after all, Domestic Fluff, Literal Sleeping Together
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 1,233 | Chapters: 2/2 | Comments: 14 | Kudos: 37 | Bookmarks: 8 | Hits: 300
Deathbucks by [Fanfic] 2022-12-12
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Chu Shuzhi & Zhao Yunlan, Lin Jing (Guardian), Guo Changcheng, Zhao Yunlan, Chu Shuzhi
More Tags
| Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Dark Humor, canon-typical jokes about cannibalism, Magic, Team Building, Friendship, CSZ and ZYL trolling poor kids because they can

Lin Jing was not a heart-broken man in need of some consolation.

He was an annoying student trying to write an academic paper about magic and Chu Shuzhi wanted him out. It wasn't even that he didn't like the kid, though he was the annoying know-it-all type that believed drinking four cans of energy drinks made him a genius. No, it was because Shuzhi had no idea what the protocol regarding showing magic to the living who were not here to have their wishes granted was.

Fill for 'Lin Jing' Guardian Bingo

Part 4 of Love Resembles Memories
Words: 2,276 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 18 | Kudos: 55 | Bookmarks: 2 | Hits: 232
Tell Me Your Worries by [Fanfic] 2022-12-06
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Chu Shuzhi & Zhao Yunlan, Chu Shuzhi & Guo Changcheng, Chu Shuzhi, Zhao Yunlan, Guo Changcheng, Da Qing (Guardian)
More Tags
| Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Magical Realism, Friendship, Magic, hints of Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Drama/Novel Fusion

“Just dump him,” Chu Shuzhi said, not hiding his irritation.
The woman in front of him promptly choked on her drink, her eyes impossibly wide and disbelieving.
Behind the counter, Zhao Yunlan laughed in delight.
This was not going well.

Fill for 'Chu Shuzhi' prompt in Guardian Bingo

Part 1 of Love Resembles Memories
Words: 2,457 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 30 | Kudos: 88 | Bookmarks: 6 | Hits: 405
of full stomachs and hearts by [Fanfic] 2022-12-06
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Canon Compliant, Weilan Weeks 2022, Developing Relationship

It starts slowly, without Zhao Yunlan noticing.

Part 2 of Weilan Weeks Drabbles (2022)
Words: 100 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 22 | Kudos: 51 | Bookmarks: 3 | Hits: 234
Horror Mart by [Fanfic] 2022-12-06
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Zhao Yunlan & Zhu Hong, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Zhu Hong (Guardian), Shen Wei (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Magic, Vengeful ghost, Flirting at a battlefield, Underworld Police, hints of one-sided Zhu Hong/Zhao Yunlan

“No longer a chief, just a consultant, your Lordship. You could even risk using my given name, I certainly wouldn’t mind.” Zhu Hong fought off the shiver of... she wasn’t even sure why this interaction made her uncomfortable. It was clear that the Ghostslayer was not going to punish Zhao Yunlan for his disrespectful conduct, and it wasn’t like he was being very embarrassing, but it was... unpleasant to watch nonetheless.

“I wouldn’t dare to presume such familiarity,” the Ghostslayer replied.

Before Zhao Yunlan could add something more and even more atrocious at that, Zhu Hong decided to intervene.


"Flirting" fill for the Guardian Bingo

Part 2 of Love Resembles Memories
Words: 1,860 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 27 | Kudos: 93 | Bookmarks: 5 | Hits: 494
Like Mortals Do by Anonymous [Fanfic] 2022-12-04
镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei (Guardian)
More Tags
| Coda, Bathing/Washing, Reconciliation, Implied Sexual Content

Such a twisted chronicle of lies and deception probably shouldn't be forgiven after a single bath together, but Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei don't exactly have a conventional relationship to start with.

(or, a direct continuation of the first novel extra)

Words: 4,427 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 14 | Kudos: 73 | Bookmarks: 14 | Hits: 388
Expectations by [Fanfic] 2022-12-04
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Special Investigation Division | SID Ensemble & Zhao Yunlan, Zhao Yunlan
More Tags
| Character Study, Fusion of book and show, Referenced Zhao Xinci, Referenced Zhao Xinci's A+ parenting, Smoking, Lollipops, Lollies, Implied future Zhao Yunlan/Shen Wei, no beta we die like [redacted], Guardian Bingo 2022

Zhao Yunlan learned at a young age that people would see what they expected from him. He decided to use it to his advantage.

Part 14 of Guardian Bingo 2022
Words: 2,126 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 4 | Kudos: 35 | Bookmarks: 3 | Hits: 181
Youchu by [Fanfic] 2022-12-03
镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei (Guardian), Gui Mian (Guardian), Da Qing (Guardian), Guo Changcheng, Chu Shuzhi, Zhu Hong (Guardian), Zhao Xinci | Zhao Yunlan's Father, Shen Xi | Zhao Yunlan's Mother, Shénnóng Bō (Guardian), Nüwa, Original Characters, Lin Jing (Guardian)
More Tags
| hun souls, houtu's great seal

Zhao Yunlan gets his hun soul-fires taken from him during his first meeting with Gui Mian. Now he and Shen Wei and the entire SIU have to determine how this could happen, how it can be reversed, and what Gui Mian's plan is for those soul-fires before Zhao Yunlan loses his memory of what it meant to be human.

Words: 7,090 | Chapters: 2/? | Comments: 1 | Kudos: 4 | Hits: 97
Meet you in another life by [Fanfic] 2022-11-30
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest, 镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018) RPF
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings,Major Character Death
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Da Qing & Shen Wei (Guardian), Bai Yu/Zhu Yilong, Wang Zheng (Guardian), Da Qing (Guardian), Shen Wei (Guardian), Zhao Yunlan, Bai Yu (Actor), Zhu Yilong
More Tags
| Reincarnation, Alternate Universe, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Death, I am very sorry, Weilan Week (Guardian), Bai Yu is Zhao Yunlan's reincarnation, Zhu Yilong is Shen Wei, guess what more, Can be understood as both drama and novel verse, Emotions, Shen Wei and Da Qing's bond, Zhao Yunlan is still a mortal in the end, Shen Wei Needs A Hug (Guardian), Da Qing needs a hug, Everyone Needs A Hug

In the end, they were both alive, they bought a house, got married, had a cat, and lived a happy life together until their part.

Words: 3,729 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 15 | Kudos: 62 | Bookmarks: 6 | Hits: 328
Archive-Locked Fanwork [Fanfic] 2022-11-30
镇魂 | Guardian (TV 2018), 镇魂 | Guardian - priest
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei (Guardian)
More Tags
| Alternate Universe – Modern AU, Blink and You Miss it Background Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Like Really Far into the Background Omegaverse, Fluff, Weilan Being Weilan, Zhao Yunlan Being Zhao Yunlan, Smut, Oral Sex, Don’t copy to another site
This fanwork is archive-locked. Please visit the link directly to view its information in full.
Words: 1,327 | Chapters: 1/1 | Comments: 6 | Kudos: 81 | Bookmarks: 5 | Hits: 709